Sunday, 20 December 2009

MUSIC MAGAZINE Reasons for Choosing Magazine & Blender magazine Research

My chosen area for my final coursework piece is going to be Magazine (Print).
I have chosen this as I feel most confident with this topic, and that I could produce a better piece in the printing area than moving image and show my creative skills when producing a magazine.

I want my magazine to be a mixture between music and fashion/glamour.
To help me with this process I am going to research certain music magazines:


Blender was an American music magazine that billed itself as "the ultimate guide to music and more". It was also known for sometimes steamy pictorials of celebrities.

These are just a few examples of covers of the music magazine 'BLENDER'. I am going to list the particular aspects I like on these covers.
  • The title font is the same in every magazine, yet the colours change to match the theme of eveything else on the cover.

  • Almost every celebrity featuring on the cover of 'BLENDER' is a young female-attractive, wearing not very many clothes.

  • The positioning/pose of each girl is always creative-made to look like a dance pose.

  • I like that there are no other photographs placed around the cover trying to advertise more stories to attract the audience. I personally see this as being slightly tacky and looking naff.

  • These covers are classy but at the same time give a sex appeal which I think would attract larger audiences.

'BLENDER' compiles lists of albums, artists and songs, including both ''best of'' lists and ''worst of'' lists. In each issue, there was a review of an artist's entire discography, with each album being analyzed in turn.

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